:: 1,2,3 Hello World
Hello everybody ! Today I’m introducing my personnal blog.
What motivated me
I read a lot from blog posts, HN (Hacker News), Meduim, Dev and maybe from your blog too , and while reading I come accross various interesting articles, I get always excited while reading them and appreciate how articles Authors took their time to write and explain with simple words sometimes a really tough concept.
Writing about subject you think you know increase your knowledge on it actually, because you have to get sure about what you are writing, you’ll get yourself documented again in order to write a solid and consistent article or blog post.
There’s also that feeling when you have constructive feedbacks and when your post has helped and saved day of some People/Developers or motivated them or at least had an impact on them, by that time you start feeling like a genius
Writing I think is putting your knowledge into practice, putting your knowledge into practice to help others, putting your knowledge into practice to even verify if you know, putting your knowledge into practice for good !
One last thing is that as a Software Engineer Aspiring this is a good step to take, in order to show and describe my works and thoughts on various subjects to other people.
Above are some of the facts not in a specific order that get me motivated; Thus the feeling of writing keeps animating me.
Conclusion …
So my point is that writing is a skill that you cannot develop without writing, as the advise I gave in the about page practicing is the key, and to get experienced at whatever you do, you have to practice, So I always follow that advise !
I’m not an experienced writer, and you’ll never know how to write if you don’t actually do it !
As I keep saying, learning is a really long journey, if you are ready to take the ship with me then… LET’S GO !