The blog goes here,technicals and non technicals articles will be written.
:: C++ User Defined Literals

The advent of C++11 introduced a lot of new awesome features into the language going from Lambda Expressions, Exception Specification with noexcept, Constant Expressions, auto type specifier to User Defined Literal and more… I’ve already covered the basics of Lambda in my previous post, if you haven’t read it yet I recommend you to. Today what will get our attention are UDLs. UDL or User Defined Literal for long is a C++ feature that helps you provide some shorthand construction of your object types, to the user of your interface.
:: C++ lambda: The basics

If you have a Math background, you’ll have probably already heard about Lambda. In Programming in general and in C++ specifically, the concept may not resemble at all at what you think but don’t be afraid, in this post I’ll briefly introduce you to what Lambdas are and how to use and take advantage from them.
:: GPG-signing your Git commits

Have you ever wondered what the “verified” button near each commit hash in github/gitlab means? And maybe you want to have the same each time you commit? If you are curious like me and want to have it then here we go ! In this post I will guide you along the way on how to GPG-sign your commits using Git and Github (Not mandatory). Already excited ? Let’s go!